
Pour me something Tall and Strong...

Yea I wish with this Hurricane a Coming I haven't been writing here Ive been preparing and glued to any info coming out about it! Am I nervous oh heck yea I am but Im sure I will be ok- kinda wish I had someone to spend the time with but heading to my Besties house to make some Drinks while we Ride it out!

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Games We Play

If someone comes into your life and becomes a part of you, but for some reason he couldn't stay, don't cry too much...just be glad that your paths crossed and somehow he made you happy even for a while.

Games why do we play them ? I'm. Not talking card games or board games. I'm talking games in dating. You can't call or text for x amount of days you can't appear to eager or available. You can't let them Know you dig them or they will think you're crazy or there's something wrong with you. I say so fucking what - I let it be known if I Like you I like you if I'm DTF then I'm telling you that's just how I operate if I'm not that into you I give you the umm let's be friends and see how it goes from there.

If I'm thinking about you I'm gonna text you call you and say hey what's up And I may do it often does that mean I'm rushing anything fuck no. Does that mean I'm in line wanting to get married no way have ya met me far from what I want. I wear my heart on my sleeve do I rush in with eyes wide shut kinda I just go with it if I think on some level I connect with you then I'm gonna cont to try to talk to you i jump right in because that's who i am go big or go home sorta person i don't half ass anything you will get 100% from me do I guard part of me yes when I can tell that I will wind up getting hurt in some way I'll hold back a Lot and be cautious doesn't mean I'm not into it's how I protect myself.

I expect the same just be real about it if for one sec you have your doubts you gotta say something like for real your cool but or however I don't think we click leaving it unanswered open makes me freaking pissed ! I just need to know one way or another I'm a big girl and I can handle it what I can't is you leaving me in your back pocket for a rainy day. Just cause I wear it on my sleeve doesn't mean I can't handle whats thrown at me you aren't sure then I'm cool with that just say so I'm just not going to look like a fool or some desperate pathetic chick, cause I'm far from it.

you're not sure where you stand with me ask me and I'll let ya know

The one thing your not going to get is crazy bitch when you say its not gonna work you get deleted And I'm on to the next I'm not going to sell you on me beg fight cuss u out you will get an ok thanks and it was nice getting to know you.

I just think things should be simple I like you you like me So let's get together and see what it becomes no labels just two people talking it a day at a time no rules games whatever it just wide open and let it be natural crazy thought huh........


'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

I strive to protect whats left of my heart, and yet I fail.
To me the above quote is a joke. This shit sucks- it's an ugly word: Rejection

I allowed him to come into my life again, tear down my every wall and me have these feelings for him dare i call it love. What was that feeling that grabbed ahold of me, gave me butterflies and this calm when he kissed me. That I realzied talking to him was like being with my best friend. How dumb am I because words from him were never uttered not even close to anything more than what it was. When me of all people decide to share what Im feeling I get the I dont have time for this and talking to you right now is a bad idea. Thanks for once again ripping my to shreds and stomping on my heart.

Maybe I just try to hard and jump right in with my heart. I should be cautious - I try to at least but it never seems to work. It's easy for me jump right in with eyes wide shut. I love easily and quickly. Do I fall comepletly no, perhaps a little naive it when it comes to caring for people and men esp.

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Textually Active

Dirty Texts/Dirty Pics

My issue has been this for a while now.

I start talking to someone thru email, texts, maybe a phone call or two and then the first or second text I ever get is a picture of their "member" and then they want one in return. I kid you not that at one point I had a few different ones in my phone. SO is there something stamped across my for head that says I am looking to see it, want to see it, and you feel the need to tell me what you'd do with it. How about getting to know me for me. Not asking for naked pics of me. Like seriously! Why can't I be more then that to someone. I guess I'm bitching because it's frustrating that every guy I seem to attract this is their behavior.

Oh and don't think for a second I don't forward that pic to a bunch of my girlfriends!

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Discarded Lovers....

All discarded lovers should be given a second chance, but with somebody else.
Mae West

Why do I always give them more than one chance?

I texted Mr. Heart Breaker and let him know that I need to know - I am not some pathetic girl that will sit and wait so if he's not interested just say so. His response that he was tired and worked all day that he doesnt have time for this shit and now isnt the best time to be talking about it. Really, then NEVER is the best time to discuss it.

Maybe Im a little crazy, but for me I need to know, closure I guess. I need for you to say you arent interested or whatever you as men can't just leave it open ended!!

Does it hurt not as much as I thought it would, I'd rather know and then move on then be in this limbo of not knowing. I'll take the time I had with him and the lessons I've learned in the process. I learned that I can put down my guard, that I can be comfortable with someone, that not everyting revolves around sex, esp in realtionships. That he wasn't my normal type nad yet we being opposites it may have worked.

I always fall too quickly.....

"I am good, but not an angel. I do sin, but I am not the devil. I am just a small girl in a big world trying to find someone to love."
— Marilyn Monroe

I'm slowly and yet so quickly learning - that I fall way to easily. Is it because, like the quote above that I'm just looking for love. I just want to love and be loved. Is that so hard, too much to ask for. I mean seriously, I am very picky when it comes to men, very very picky. SO when i find one I jump right in, head first and give my all. I am asking for the fairy tale, to get married, have kids, NO WAY! I just want someone to be with. Who makes me smile from deep within, who is the missing half to this puzzle. I want to spend my life with, to laugh, cry, share things with. It's hard to put in words.

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Might not be some one's first choice, but I am a Great choice. ♥ I may not be rich but I am valuable. ♥ I don't pretend to be someone I'm not, because I'm good at being me. ♥ I might not be proud of some of the things I've done in the past, but I am proud of who I am today. ♥ I may not be perfect but I don't need to be. ♥ Take me as I am, or watch me as I walk away!!! ♥ Post this if your proud to be you!

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Is it in his kiss...

A man's kiss is his signature.
Mae West

I had a date this past Friday Night.

I was the most nervous I have ever been - perhaps in a very long time. That was before I even went and leading up the actual date. We had texted, emailed, and talked on the phone. There was just something about him.. do i dare say it there was a connection or at least I was feeling something more than I usually do. Me out of my comfort zone like for real. We met on the boardwalk at the beach and his pics didn't do him justice.
I was speechless.... literally I clammed up and then mentally went into panic mode that I am out of his league.

I want to say I had a great night but I was so shy and nervous that it was most def noticeable. :(

Did we eventually kiss, yes indeed and wow-

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Heart Breaker Update

Update :
I heard from you and it was brief hey how are you blahs and come to find out I was your drunk text - I've never been your drunk text or bc and now I can say I've Been both. Not sure that I Like it.
So I start talking to this other guy I feel an instant connection like wow this is good so for a week texting phone calls thinking this one has potential yay me I can move past hb .... So yesterday what happens hb texts me and I light up it's the same hey how are you blahs WTF so I stop texting potential like an idiot.
Days go by nothing again
Then you come around with you're silly jokes and make me smile I buy your work excuse and leave it at that. I know better if he wanted to hear from me see me he'd make the move I get it. So I canx the date I Saturday because of him for mr unavailable maybe I'm protecting this heart of mine or maybe I'm scared. Talked to an old friend today and what he said makes sense I was way to shy I said just a little he was like no way the shyest I've ever met and the biggest prude. Which is totally right because I am! Men sex sext ing dirty pics I get embarrassed and do t know how to deal with any of it. So I shy away from guys because unless I can hide that I feel they won't accept that innocence I still have - like I'm. A little girl lost I guess.

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Can I Have my heart back please....thanks.

So I posted that I want my heart back
It sucks because sometimes you can't help the way you feel. I'm not using the l word because that's not what this is. I'm using the you captured a piece of my heart. I care for you and I never ment to. It was so easy to fall into the comfort with you we picked up like we've never missed a beat. No awkward silence or anything so have you taken a piece of me yes a piece you always had - it's not healthy not for me because you are the one that breaks down Every wall guard moat dragon that stands watch on this heart of mine. It all fades you make me smile uncontrollably Everytime I'm around you you kiss me and the world around me fades. I have always felt this connection with you and you are so hard to read. We laugh and joke and it'd the easiest thing to just be me when you're around and you go days weeks without calling or texting I have to be the one to contact you and this role reversal is unheard of in my world. I just want more from you and I've said in the past and I've done it before I'm walking away. I've cried more than once over you and I want the tiny piece you took back so I can give t to someone who I will feel even greater for and they will in return. I nicked named you heart breaker a year ago and the name seems to fit.

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A Few of my fav things.....

Robin likes Trojan Brand Condoms and Pinnacle Vodka.

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Find someone who.....

Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep... wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky his is to have you.... The one who turns to his friends and says, 'that's her.'

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An Experience If I must say

I think we are a product of all our experiences.
Sanford I. Weill

Today's Quote. why you may ask..... Because I think it holds true.

I have gone back and forth on this whole do I date or don't I date... that is the question. So when I decided whether its because of friends pushing me or myself thinking why not jump in and try again.
So I do have an online dating profile that I activate/deactivate when I feel the need to. Anyway, so I decided to go on a date after talking to this guy online off and on and thru text. After friends saying what do I have to lose and give him a chance. I go on this date am I nervous oh heck yea I am, because why that's just how I get. I get anxiety. nervous, shy, etc you name it. So I drive the 45 mins since he wasn't going to meet me half way. By the way that should have been my first clue. Trying to do this justice thru a blog is going to be difficult. I arrive at the restaurant that we agreed on and he was over 30mins, late! When I walked up to the restaurant he wasn't even close to what he described. I smiled and stayed pleasant we went inside and I figured I wasn't going to be rude and give him a chance.

Men a Tip: T -shirt and shorts are ok with the exception a faded old plain what t shirt and some some old shorts. Look I don't judge people on what they wear does it have to be expensive no way, anyone can make clothes from walmart or target look good. But old dingy clothes that were probably laying in a pile on your floor- not cool.
Second Tip: Load up on the Axe body spray to the point where I'm gaging not cool, my 8yr old son wears better! Axe should never be worn A) by a grown man B) or by anyone!!

ok So back to this whole date thing- we are at the restaurant and we sit down... then he bails to the bathroom or like 15m ins. I swear he ditched me and I'm secretly wishing he did. As he returns he is sweating like he just ran a marathon and I'm kinda concerned like what the hell. We look over the menu and he says he's not eating anything he hates Mexican food. I just kinda stare at him because we discussed this prior to going there. I said ok well I'm still going to order something if that's ok.

Gosh I think its best if I just sum all of this up- basically he was Spanish at a Spanish restaurant the waiter tried talking to him in Spanish and he just stared at him and was like what huh say that again I don't understand. I understood more of what the waiter said then he did. So after i order he decided I guess he wanted something so he orders off the children's menu! He orders chicken fingers, like what the ..... Our food comes out and this dude throws a fit because they don't have honey mustard?!?? Honey mustard really?!??! I quietly eat my food and then ask for a to go box cause I'm ready to get the f outta there. He pays which kinda throws me off and I light up a cig and tell him thanks and he asks if I wanna get outta there and go back to his place! Really where did I give you the I'm into you vibe? Wow he's hurt that I am not interested in him. I thank him for dinner and leave.
My saving grace- my best friend in the whole world lives 5 mins from there and had a drink waiting for me!

A Mother's Wisdom

My mothers wisdom the other day was that these years are going to be the toughest that I'm ever going to face but I can make it thru them it's going to get easier / I sure hope so! Tonight's conversation with Dylan showed me I can still feel and my heart does exist somewhere inside -My boys spent the weekend with their father and like most when they come home Dylan is upset. While sitting down watching Food Challenge and pumpkin carving he asked me where I met his dad and I told him and his question was why I picked such a mean daddy. I tried to answer the best i could and then he asked for a new one and if could find and meet one for him and I said I'd try my best to find a new a one but it's not that easy. My only answer that i could come up with is for him to ask God. So side note as I am retelling this umm this is a news flash I have tear ducts holy crap anyone that knows me knows it takes mountains moving and seas to part for me to cry and well I shed a tear.... Wow ok

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Sore Subject

This is my question and Totally Random I promise. But I was thinking about it today for someone reason....

If you become the other women would you tell the wife or girlfriend that you were in fact the other party?

Or if the guy lied and said there was no girlfriend and you find out there is in fact a girlfriend do you tell her?

You are the wife or girl friend would you want to know if you were cheated on or is ignorance bliss?

My take is ignorance is not bliss and everything eventually sees the light of day. But do you be honest because they say honesty is the best policy.

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My Letter to you Mr. Heart Breaker

Dear Heart Breaker,

Just so you know you are starting to give me a complex. You come and go from time to time and when you fall off the Earth yet again, I wonder what I said or did to make that happen. I little feedback would be nice so I can grow as a person and learn from my mistakes whether or not we continue on. In this case I'm guessing we are thru. It's like filling out a course evaluation at the end so I know my areas of improvement and can use that for the next one that comes along. But no I get nothing, nada, zilch from you. Just a defriend on fb, it's cool - But I need feedback it's how I operate, it should be standard procedure.

But you walking away without saying a word has 1) Showed me your true character and I feel sorry for you 2) you paved the way for someone else.

I want to thank you for allowing me to break down the wall and begin to love and trust again. I feel like I had to meet you to get myself to that point where I can be ME and not hide my true self. So for that I thank you.

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Down in the Trenches

So I've realized in life when ceilings cave in or in this case cars break down over and over no day care money problems my friends are awesome. Like when my wallet was left at walmart and I wet back for it they had it. I called ppl when my car broke down an they had answers even Randomness. I guess what I'm trying to say is my faith in humanity has been restored once again. And I am forever grateful. God has been really good to me even as a stray I know he still loves me and cares for our well being. Makes me want to sing some Tobymac 'In the light' ' I am forever grateful for my friends and the people in my life. You guys are awesome and I dont think I say thank you enough or show you enough how awesome you are. Thank you again.

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The Weekender

This addition to The Weekender has been brought 2 you by Red Bull, Grey Goose, Ciroc Luxury Vodka, camel, Ross, and Ulta

Friday dinner with the girls and shopping for shoes.
Saturday shopping car almost blew up but fixed now then saw the boy gave him his bday gift <3 Randomness and drinks.
Saturday Night out with Joanna went to kokoamos had a blast dancing and remember being told that were were like the most amazing and Fun. Cab driver was crazy for the amount consumed no hangover gotta love grey goose and redbull.
Sunday- some random guy don't get random and randomness confused sat next to me at church half thru the service and just started talking to me during service and asking me biblical question so I turned to him after like the 12th question and was like dude I don't freakin know. So then he got up and walked out. like he invaded my space to ask me questions wayyyyyy to close to me dude.

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Buyers Remorse

Its like having buyers remorse but wayyy worse So I deleted every txt pic his number and mentally washed my hands of him, but you know I regret it why oh cruel world why because he is like a drug I don't want to give up. I wish I didn't delete it all or at least his newest pic. look when u read this don't get it twisted there's no puppy love just an addiction two very different things. And if you've known me a majority of my life there have been a few that fit his category Chinga, A.B., B. H., and now Randomness. There is like this gravitational pull like I so get John Mayers comment about Jessica Simpson or was it Jennifer Aniston whichever it makes sense to me!

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Wolves in Sheep Clothing

What a more Fool's Gold for me, my friends Rock, thanks for a fun night at Guads, Spa Cansino is awesome Mango Margarita's while you get your hair cut, and watch for the wolves in sheep's clothing! They bite!

Like for Real got bite marks that turned to bruises....

No more treasure hunting for me for a while.... Headed to kokoamos to drink away the day....

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Random Text

So it started a few weeks back- I forgot I gave my number out to this guy.
I am out with the girls and get a random text from this guy "what are you doing'
ME: 'I'm out with my girls'
Guy: "Where at maybe I'll come there'
So anyway we go back and forth with texts by the end of the night he gets mad that I won't come see him.
Remember Random Text- For real like let me jump on that offer to go to some dude's house. I maybe somewhat daring but not crazy!
So I text him like a few days later and asked if he was still mad... he said nope we're cool. Days go by, nothing then I get a "hey" and I send a "hey" you know the drill. He sends me pics of him, nothing your grandmother would faint over just regular pics just so you know I am not that kind of girl. This goes on for about a month the "hey" every few days, then yesterday he was like hey do you want to meet and put a face to the texts and I was like OK but I have to get my kids so it's gonna be like for 5 mins he said OK. I was like whhhhhat, for real, OK but I can give you He said cool so I met random texter guy. Yea so added him to my phone as random texter guy Haha I still don't know his name Only me!! Why didn't I ask you maybe be thinking.... Too busy drooling Ha Like total stumbling over words Hotttttttttttt How old is he I have no idea hello don't even know his name. But I met a hot guy on the way home from work how many times does that happen to me NEVER
And hugged me and said it was nice meeting me and I said same here I don't know how too proceed this is weird then he texted me after I left and was like I like thick girls and I said thanks cus I had no idea what else to say and that was it I have no idea what will happen next did I mention he was like wayyyyyy Hott sooooo out of my league.

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Girl Meets Guy

Girl meets guy Guy

Girl and Guy have a date

Girl decides Guy was ok but not girls type

Date ends girl doesn't hear from guy no big deal girl wasn't that into guy to begin with.

Guy txts girl 3-4 days later 'Please don't be mad girl you're not really my type can we be friends', Girl says "Sure why not and I wouldn't be mad about that, thanks or letting a girl know where she stands'.

Guy says "Cool I thought Girl would take it bad and didn't want to be disrespectful

Girl says nope it's cool.

Days go by Guy doesn't txt Girl.

Girl doesn't txt guy Guy starts txting girl a few days later nonstop.

Girl responds to guy since guy and girl decided to be friends.

Guy's txt become somewhat personal. Girl is scratching head wondering how to respond.

Guy asks if Girl wants to get together again.

Girl thought Guy said I wasn't his type so why the wanting to hang out?

This Dating Stuff is confusing!

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What I've Learned So Far

What I have learned so far: Don't wear heels on a first date you never know when you will have to literally run!

No joke, I had to run across a parking lot wearing cute Nine West Heels so not cool!

~ Always remember where you park so again when you have to "duck out" and RUN you go out the proper exit. Refer to Rule 1 - Don't Wear Heels!

I have decided to not go backwards with this I have had some funny dates and not so fun ones.

I hope you are able to see the humor in my dating experience.

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Dating as a Single Mom `

My Blog has taken a detour so to speak.

I have used my friends to tell the tales of my dating experiences and the "self-help" books I've read to navigate these uncharted waters. Some of my experiences so far have been funny, heart breaking, and left me scratching my head. So I've decided to share my tales with the world.

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Sometimes you feel like a note sometimes you don't

Feel like writing -
like how many wishes can you wish on a star - is it like a tootsie pop and how many licks to the center because I have a whole list! I mean like a really really really long one. So last night I just started rambling it off in no particular order on the first star I saw.
And this whole kissing frogs how many frogs do you kiss until it turns into a prince? Disclaimer just a general question not wanting a prince I am content with my life the way it is, seriously. please I know he'll come when the time is right blah blah blah. Just a general statement .
I want to be like the song billionair like for real people put me next to oprah and the Queen! Or least on her show when she gives crap away!
Scales not the ones on fish do you go with the one you use everyday with no progress or the random one you jump on with a ten pound differnce in your favor i say the one in your favor right? Cause that was pretty sweet !
Speaking of sweet tomorrow I say guads at town center anyone in? Boys with Scott this weekend and no dates lined up.

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On this Day....

On this day in 2002, I said " I Do" to a man who gave me the greatest gifts anyone can give another, two amazing boys who are my heart and soul.
As rocky as the road was while we were together I look back and with no regrets I love my kids.
Since May of 2008 it has been a nightmare or as I like to call it a real life Jerry Springer Show- I am about to head to meet the lawyers and wishing this all goes well and the end of my days as Robin Davis and I will be FREE of his lying, cheating, no good, sorry a$$.

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On the Silver Screen

Twice in the past few days I have come across the question who would play you in the movie of your life?

It was first part of the 5QF and from a daily devotional that was amazing and basically said the same thing but on a Biblical level. I will try to post it. So, if you know how I think that well nothing is by accident in this world.
I want to give credit where it is due!

This then is how we know that we belong to the truth, and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence
whenever our hearts condemn us. For God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything.
---1 John 3:19-20 NIV
One of my dearest friends in this world, author and speaker Ney Bailey, once said to me, "Imagine that a movie was made of your life. Nothing was left out. Everything that you have ever thought or said or done was displayed on the big screen for anyone to see. How would you feel?"
My initial response was that I would be ashamed. It is one thing to take refuge in the absence of what I might consider to be "huge" sins, but to have all my secret thoughts and feelings revealed would be terrifying. The truth is that we all hide part of who we can be when left to our own humanity. Then Ney said, "God has seen your movie, and he loves you anyway." Let's stop for a moment and let that sink deep into our hearts and souls.
The God of the universe, the one who holds the stars and the moon in place, knows everything about us and loves us with unprecedented abandon. He knows the good, the bad, and the ugly. He knows the things we are proud of and the things we hide. He knows it all, and he invites us to come just as we are and live the dream he has for each of us.
----SHEILA WALSH (God Has a Dream for Your Life) """""

That has made me say WHOA, it just shows how great our God is! That the way my life would have looked on the silver screen until I was saved by his grace is huge in comparison.

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Being Silly and Some Randomness that is me

So I just want to say that I am a firm believer in you get back what you put out into this world of ours. What do I mean by that... if you put out positive vibes you get positive things in your life. I can't stand when people are negative and have a bad attitude and then wonder why things are going wrong for them. Do I mean that 'hey if I am nice , I should win a million dollars', nope not at all. Am I always bubbly and a ray of sunshine, not even close on my best day but I can't stand negative attitudes or the mind set that if things don't go the way I have planned, let's whine, complain, moan, throw a fit, until we get our way! Yes that's it that's the way to get thru life!

Ok enough on that I just saw enough of that today at work.... makes me sick...

So my randomness today- I am lovin' BOBFM at work, listening to my playlist when not listening to BOBFM, I love the last hour of work when everyone is gone since I come in an hour after everyone. I seem to get more done....oh wait this doesn't count as work ;) .

I am desprately awaiting J. R. Wards next book the end of the Month cannot come soon enough!

The title is Lover Mine- part of my secret obessions The Black Daggar Brotherhood Series and Twilight, shhhh.

Last weekend Sean and I took so silly pics so I thought I would share.

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Toby Mac & Skillet Concert -Apr 8, 2010

I surprised Dylan and took him to see Toby Mac and Skillet at Chrysler Hall in Downtown Norfolk. We had a blast it was his 1st concert and he loved it! If you don't know who either of them are you must check them out!! It is kid and parent approved!

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Dylan's Birthday March 20

Dylan had his 7th Birthday Party recently and wanted to share the pics from the party. It was so much fun. Kids, family, friends, cake, pizza, icecream, fun was had by all!

Sean Kept sneaking bites as we were cutting the cake!

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What Are You Reading.....

So I have decided to share the series that I am currently addicted to!

The Black Dagger Brotherhood by J.R. Ward.

Please be advised they are not for the faint at heart nor are they for Teen Readers... They are a Brotherhood of warrior vampires on a mission to save their race.

There are currently 8 books in the series and they are really great. I haven't been able to put them down and I am usually done in 3 days tops!

Make sure you check it out if you are interested I promise you won't be disappointed!

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Did Cavemen Really Exist...That is the Question!

What does the Bible say about cavemen, prehistoric men, neanderthals?

It's Funny Because Lately I have been wondering how cavemen and dinosaurs have fit into Biblical times, weird I know... but it's been on my mind lately.

So I was driving to pick up the boys yesterday and I kid you not the car in front of the had a Cavemen bumper sticker that says Cavemen do exist. I wish I was fast enough with my phone because I so would have taken a pic! Anyway and then the bumper sticker next to it was Ibelieve-Rock Church. Say what?!?!?!?

So today as planned I began my quest on Did Cavemen really exist? I know ABC had that TERRIBLE Cavemen show a few years back, and Geico had the ads, I know that is our way of poking fun at evolution and religion but c'mon now where's the truth in that!

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Awesome Find this weekend!

Retail Price: $399.00

My Table minus the Baskets: $69.99 looks brand new I will post a pic of it soon!

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Chocolate or Duct Tape

Whatever trials and tribulations life should throw at you, whatever the problem you face, just remember it can quite often be solved by either chocolate or duct tape.

Like usual there is always some catastrophe, drama, ceilings falling, kitchen sinks leaking, dryers breaking, the list goes on and on! I have come to realize as a mother raising two boys and with the "villiages" help (another post) to back me up this is where my sanity comes from.

Whether it's a Hersey bar from a friend or a helping hand when something breaks it's easier to face when you got both!

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5 Question Friday

My Little Life

Happy Friday Everyone!! The work day is almost over, yippy!! It's been along week!

Rules: Copy and paste the following questions to your blog post, answer them, then c'mon back and link up! If you'd like, grab the code for the blog hop...but you don't have to!! I'd also loooovvvveeee it if you'd link back to me, Mama M., so people know where to go for the next go around!
If you don't have a blog, but want to join in the fun...feel free to post your answers in the comments of any of the blogs along the way!
It's a fun, easy post and it's all about YOU!

1. What's your guilty pleasure?

Wow, what a question to start out with huh....I could be here for awhile, this is a very tough question... they aren't listed in any specific order.
I would have to say Reading the Black Dagger Brotherhood Series by J.R. Ward, no wait, Venti White Chocolate Peppermint Mochas from Starbucks, no the Twilight Series Edward Cullen (ooops).

2. What is your favorite TV series?

Well...since our TV's aren't actually "hooked up" to anything other than DVD/VCR/PS3. We get Netflix and they have TV Seasons that we rent from them. My fav's are The Tudors on Showtime, True Blood on HBO, & Grey's Anatomy. I am also liking the new NCIS Los Angeles. I have caught a few episodes and I think it's a pretty good show, or is it the fact that Chris O'Donnell is in, idk....

3. Can you speak any foreign languages?

Nope, I cannot speak a foreign language. I know some random words in Spanish and that's about it. I took two years of it in High School and did very poorly.

4. How many pairs of shoes do you own?

I have about 10 pairs of shoes. I am not a huge shoe person, I find I pair I like and wear them until they can't be worn anymore and then go on a search for another pair. If I find ones I like then that's all I will wear.

5. What's your favorite kind of M&M's...peanut, almond, straight up regular, etc.?

My Favorite M&M's are the Almond ones

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True friends are ALWAYS there when you need them. False friends are only there when THEY need you!

I feel like I keep relearning this over and over through out my life. I try to be a good person and do things to help other people. It seems like in the end I am the one to get the bad end of the deal or made to look like the bad guy. Without going into too much detail, I don't want to just be as bad as other people. I have helped people in the past to only be used, my kindness to I guess is a weakness.

For those who really know me and I know that I can be outspoken at time but that's where my Spiritual Gifts come into play I scored a one point difference between Perceiver and Compassion. I believe I am a good person and will give someone the shirt off my back if they needed it and in the same breath be outspoken and opinionated.

It's hit a point to where now I feel like I am being taken advantage of. I am not trying to stoop to the same level because I enjoy rising above but this will be the last time I help someone beyond my normal giving. I need to set limits and boundaries!

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Seek Him

"Happy moments, praise God. Difficult moments, seek God. Quiet moments, worship God. Painful moments, trust God. Every moment, thank God." -Unknown

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Today's little Life Quote...

How you treat me is your karma, how I react is mine.

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Spiritual Gifting Class

I just recently took this class and have to say that the class was GREAT!!! it really opened my eyes to the kind of gifts that God has given me and how I am to use them. I have always had a tendency to avoid role playing while in school or groups I always felt uncomfortable. Which is strange because I can talk in front of groups anyway I didn't have the normal anxiety when doing the different scenarios. Anyway I think it was a great book and great class and the book is only like 6.00 on why not give it a try and see what you may learn about yourself and communicating with others. It may open your eyes to the gifts you were given.
During this class I learned that I am a Perceiver with a Secondary Gift as Compassion, there was a 1 point difference.
Those with the Perceiver gift are known for their great moral clarity, Right is Right and Wrong is Wrong, and there is no gray area in between. They are bold and direct and they feel compelled to speak for a cause they believe in, or to warn others as a painful consequences for their wrong actions. We can be domineering, argumentative, and critical towards others and ourselves.
Those with the compassion gift demonstrate God’s love to a hurting world that needs to know that God loves them. Compassion people have the capacity to both feel sympathy for those in need (especially the suffering) and to manifest this sympathy in some practical helpful way with a cheerful spirit so as to encourage and help those in need. They specialize in empathetic care for those who are hurting.

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It's the weekend!

Hey Everyone !

Thank Goodness the weekend is finally here!! This week has been crazy, with kids doc appointments, work, and life in general. Tonight is the Annual Christmas Party at work, I am so excited! I so want to win something!! The odds are totally in my favor I can feel it! They only allowed 100 people to buy tickets and they have a ton of prizes! Whoo hoo and it's on the water, yippy. I think this is the 1st year that I actually like my job, the people, and where they are having it. I am usually one to not go and sit home but this is going to be a good year. I feel it, the winds of change are movin' in.
Update: I did Win!! I won a PS3 !! I am going to put in under the Tree for Dylan! He is going to be sooooo excited Christmas Morning!

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5 Question Friday!

My Little Life

1. Do you do a real or fake Christmas tree?

I love my fake multi and clear
pre~lit tree. I have had it for years and every year I love decorating it. Mostly because it comes in 3 pieces that assemble easily and I can do it myself within minutes it's up and ready to go/decorate.

What is your favorite Christmas tradition with your family?

Growing up we were allowed to open one gift on Christmas Eve and now I am working on creating some with the boys.

3. Do you celebrate Thanksgiving in your neck of the woods? And, if many calories do you think you consumed yesterday?
Yes, we stayed here for the Holiday and went to a friends house. The food and company were awesome!! And no clean up or dishes to do, just the way I like it!!!

4. Have you started decorating for Christmas, yet?
Started today we have the tree up and semi decorated just have so much to do and so little time!!

5. What is your favorite Christmas cookie?
I love sugar cookies!

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Thinking about going home and putting up the Christmas Tree!!

This is the weekend I usually put up the Christmas Tree. I was thinking of not doing it since my parents are coming down for a visit, but feel like the boys need some normalcy in their lives and I need to start making those family Traditions! I will post pictures when the decorations are complete! I hope all have a great Black Friday, do some shopping for me!!

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Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. The boys and I went to Felicia's for dinner. I was really nice to spend the holiday with friends from church. We had the best food ever and Bill made the most amazing candied yams! I totally forgot to bring my camera, the boys looked so cute with the dress shirts on.

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New Moon

I saw it and I liked it I did! BUT.... have some thoughts about it..... new director makes me wish they could have a "do over" for the 1st, this director was way better!! 2) There were too many "little jokes" like I get they are in the book and I laughed don't get me wrong it's just at times it seemed like over kill. 3) Ya know they did the whole cut it at the end, it felt like the Soprano's Fade to Black, I get that as well, to keep you guessing, blah blah blah and to see the next one. It's just terrible. 4) Grown women making noises at a boy, I mean seriously Taylor isn't legal and it was frightening to see. I can go on, did i like of course but am I a Twi~hard nah, just a fan of the books and I liked the movie just not a lunatic when it comes to it. Maybe a little, but just because I like the franchise doesn't mean I have to be in ♥ with EVERY aspect of it, right. I can go about some of the other things I am not crazy about. I did like it a lot but like in everything I must give my honest opinion.

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5 Question Friday

So I have read a few blogs and this whole question thing seems kind of cool and thought I would give it a try this week!

My Little Life
1. Are you a Black Friday shopper? I have been 2 once at 4am I was so tired and can't even remember if the deals were worth it or not. I just think I purchased way too much that year!
The 2nd time I was in NYC not shopping, I was with my sister headed to Broadway to see a show.

2. What was your favorite childhood toy? (Think Easy Bake Oven, Cabbage Patch Kid, Shrinky Dinks, etc.) Barbies, I loved them! I was a totally nut when it came to them. I had to have a ton of cars, clothes, you name it!

3. Favorite Christmas movie? Wow, that is a tough one!! There are so many to choose from.... I guess I would have to say the Tim Allen Santa Clause Movies or the orgininal Miracle on 34th St.

4. What is the "must have" item on your Christmas list this year? Honestly, I don't ever think of myself at Christmas, as long as my children have gifts and are happy that is a gift in its self.

5. Do you go all out with decorations or do you keep it simple and classy? Keep it simple. My tree is where the decoration is key. White & Multi colored lights, ribbons, character ornaments, there is a theme I stick to. But as for the house it's simple.

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Nov 18, 2009

Friday Night I was asked if I would lead another Brew Group next semester. At first I was like I don't think so I have been having this doubt that maybe I am not good at this whole leading thing. With some deep thought I think I will Lead one again but need to pray on it and see. I found a book that I would want to do the study on and will have to purchase it and read before I make the decision to. I know that it is the father of all lies who is creating this doubt in my mind. It has been a struggle lately with the Brew Group I am leading now and we must get back on track.
I searched for hours on the Internet trying to plan the next book to study for Brew Group. It's funny how things work out I was thinking I wanted to read Crazy Love and while looking at all of the books that are out there I found it! I have been thinking about everything how I was referred to as Jobett and reading the stories of Ruth & Ester. These were amazing women who did some pretty amazing things. I think it's the inspiration we need as women when we are down in the mire and need some inspiration. The reviews are awesome and just reading the back cover has me excited to do the study!

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Thank you...

I got a new car, Mr. X has taken the mini van and I had to get a vehicle. It's funny how things work out. I went to the dealership and tried to purchase a Nissan Xterra. I test drove it started the paper work and all then Mr. X asked what other cars they had and we went outside. As i walked back into the dealership they were playing a Christian Radio Station. I didn't notice it earlier and as I was standing there the song Tunnel from Third day came on. Why it's so awesome is because that is the song that is my ring tone on the phone for my church family. It's the song that they always quote, that there is a light in this darkness/my tunnel. So AWESOME! I just have to share how GOD is present in my life and how he is in your too! HE gives us signs that he is with us and we just have to open our eyes to them. I kept asking God for a Volvo and for the whole car situation to work out and it did. Yes he listens and helps us when we need him. Without God and his many Blessings it wouldn't be possible. It may not be a Volvo but it's a Volkswagen Passat!

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Been a few days....

So I am at work (shhhhhh) here listening to music and trying to get some work done. Everyone has already left for the day and because I am the late stay person I figured I could blog a little!
I also wanted to post one of my all time favorite pictures of Dylan and Sean. It was taken last year at Thanksgiving back in Jersey.
This week I can honestly say that the light is peaking thru the tunnel of darkness. No I am not talking about death. The song by Third Day~ Tunnel, it's this months inspiration song. Before it was Praise you in this storm. Anyway, I kept thinking the light is never coming, but it's funny how some small "wins" or "light" have slipped through a crack. I will take some small victories right now. It's what I kept asking for actually. Like I know how awesome God is but could you just give me a little piece. I know Rome wasn't built in a day so having the house fixed over night but the small steps and having someone come over and look at it, awesome. Scott not being such a jerk and offering to help me with a car, Dylan - someone finally listening and him getting the help he needs. Gosh the list could go on... I am just happy with the handful of "small" gifts from God right now, that I know the bigger ones are coming.

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Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

I feel terrible that we were so caught up in the day that I only took for pictures of the boys trick or treating. We had so much fun we went to the Town Center and Trick or Treated, to the mall, and did part of our street.

At the Town Center

Capt Jack Sparrow and Optimus Prime of the Autobots

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Working on Lesson 6

For all that don't know I am holding a Bible Study in my home. Together we are reading Captivating by Stasi Eldredge.

Today I am working on the Study Guide for Lesson 6. We just got done reading Healing the Wound and I feel like we have come so far as a group. This book has made us laugh, cry, and occasionally throw it across the room. We are at the half way point and as I read the chapter I kept singing Bon Jovi's Living on Prayer. Reading this has taken me on the journey to the inner depths of me, which can be kind of scary at times. I am so grateful for the strong and wonderful women that have joined this group! I highly recommend this book to all women, read it, do the group study, you would be so glad you did.

This week is going to be great! I can't wait to meet again!

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Praying Specifically.

This has been a huge topic with my friends and I. They have given me such encouragement and wisdom. If it wasn't for them I wouldn't have my head on straight. Becky and Felicia have been telling me constantly to ask God for things that I need. I am struggling with this a lot! I struggle with the need vs want. I need a vehicle since the one I currently drive isn't mine. I want a Volvo..... See what I mean. The want vs need. Do I need one, well technically speaking I do need a I need a Luxury SUV, well again tech yes since I am worth it's weight in gold. "I am a Princess and my father is the King of Kings", to quote Melissa. I have been asking for a lot lately I know, between the kids, my finances, this whole divorce thing, the heat , the house, the car situation. I mean I can go on, on, on, on.

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Making Plans for My Birthday Party!!

Ok so this year I am turning 28 and I am currently in the process of making Birthday Plans! I want to have a party at the house this year. Becky and I were talking about combining our Birthday's so well see how it goes! It is going to be awesome!

The Theme Choices:

Black & Pink ~ If Becky and I combine the CELEBRATION!

Black & Red with a Twilight Twist ~ If we don't.

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Why I started this!

I changed the name from when I first started this, I guess it just didn't work after all. I am looking forward to this working out this time!

I wanted a place where I could rant, rave, complain, whine, and write about the anything. I am on this road called Life and want to share things I have found along the way.

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Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act.
~ Psalm 37:7, NLT

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Sept 12, 2008

Well As you can see this isn't something I kept up! Which is par for the course in my life. I looked at the date of my last post, go figure it was the day before my Scott left me.

*** I deleted the post that was there, it was me talking about how happy I was. That our family was doing great and we had an awesome weekend. Then Monday came and he said he was leaving and I will leave it at that.

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April 20, 2008

So this is my first entry....I have been thinking what on earth could I possibly write about, coming up with a name for this was hard enough. Gosh, it took me like forever to think of a name and really decide if I want to do this. So I figured what the heck why not try it and see where it goes. If it goes nowhere, I noticed a delete button under the settings.

I'm guessing your probably wondering where the title came from. I was flipping through a catalog and saw a coffee mug with that saying on it and thought how great is that. So while I was staring at my computer screen racking my brain for a name, I remember the abc catalog that came today and the funny mugs and magnets that had in there. I wanted something clever to name it.

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