My Letter to you Mr. Heart Breaker
Dear Heart Breaker,
Just so you know you are starting to give me a complex. You come and go from time to time and when you fall off the Earth yet again, I wonder what I said or did to make that happen. I little feedback would be nice so I can grow as a person and learn from my mistakes whether or not we continue on. In this case I'm guessing we are thru. It's like filling out a course evaluation at the end so I know my areas of improvement and can use that for the next one that comes along. But no I get nothing, nada, zilch from you. Just a defriend on fb, it's cool - But I need feedback it's how I operate, it should be standard procedure.
But you walking away without saying a word has 1) Showed me your true character and I feel sorry for you 2) you paved the way for someone else.
I want to thank you for allowing me to break down the wall and begin to love and trust again. I feel like I had to meet you to get myself to that point where I can be ME and not hide my true self. So for that I thank you.
Just so you know you are starting to give me a complex. You come and go from time to time and when you fall off the Earth yet again, I wonder what I said or did to make that happen. I little feedback would be nice so I can grow as a person and learn from my mistakes whether or not we continue on. In this case I'm guessing we are thru. It's like filling out a course evaluation at the end so I know my areas of improvement and can use that for the next one that comes along. But no I get nothing, nada, zilch from you. Just a defriend on fb, it's cool - But I need feedback it's how I operate, it should be standard procedure.
But you walking away without saying a word has 1) Showed me your true character and I feel sorry for you 2) you paved the way for someone else.
I want to thank you for allowing me to break down the wall and begin to love and trust again. I feel like I had to meet you to get myself to that point where I can be ME and not hide my true self. So for that I thank you.
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