True friends are ALWAYS there when you need them. False friends are only there when THEY need you!
I feel like I keep relearning this over and over through out my life. I try to be a good person and do things to help other people. It seems like in the end I am the one to get the bad end of the deal or made to look like the bad guy. Without going into too much detail, I don't want to just be as bad as other people. I have helped people in the past to only be used, my kindness to I guess is a weakness.
For those who really know me and I know that I can be outspoken at time but that's where my Spiritual Gifts come into play I scored a one point difference between Perceiver and Compassion. I believe I am a good person and will give someone the shirt off my back if they needed it and in the same breath be outspoken and opinionated.
It's hit a point to where now I feel like I am being taken advantage of. I am not trying to stoop to the same level because I enjoy rising above but this will be the last time I help someone beyond my normal giving. I need to set limits and boundaries!
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