Being Silly and Some Randomness that is me
So I just want to say that I am a firm believer in you get back what you put out into this world of ours. What do I mean by that... if you put out positive vibes you get positive things in your life. I can't stand when people are negative and have a bad attitude and then wonder why things are going wrong for them. Do I mean that 'hey if I am nice , I should win a million dollars', nope not at all. Am I always bubbly and a ray of sunshine, not even close on my best day but I can't stand negative attitudes or the mind set that if things don't go the way I have planned, let's whine, complain, moan, throw a fit, until we get our way! Yes that's it that's the way to get thru life!
Ok enough on that I just saw enough of that today at work.... makes me sick...
So my randomness today- I am lovin' BOBFM at work, listening to my playlist when not listening to BOBFM, I love the last hour of work when everyone is gone since I come in an hour after everyone. I seem to get more done....oh wait this doesn't count as work ;) .

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