Discarded Lovers....

All discarded lovers should be given a second chance, but with somebody else.
Mae West

Why do I always give them more than one chance?

I texted Mr. Heart Breaker and let him know that I need to know - I am not some pathetic girl that will sit and wait so if he's not interested just say so. His response that he was tired and worked all day that he doesnt have time for this shit and now isnt the best time to be talking about it. Really, then NEVER is the best time to discuss it.

Maybe Im a little crazy, but for me I need to know, closure I guess. I need for you to say you arent interested or whatever you as men can't just leave it open ended!!

Does it hurt not as much as I thought it would, I'd rather know and then move on then be in this limbo of not knowing. I'll take the time I had with him and the lessons I've learned in the process. I learned that I can put down my guard, that I can be comfortable with someone, that not everyting revolves around sex, esp in realtionships. That he wasn't my normal type nad yet we being opposites it may have worked.

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